"Bringing It Home" is a specially created featurette which includes footage of the stars at their homes talking about their experiences both of live theatre and the show plus never seen before backstage footage that wonderfully captures the humour, camaraderie and thrill of performing to live audiences in these hauntingly beautiful and exciting historic buildings." - Cameron Mackintosh
Check out the special below!
Bring It Home! Les Misérables - The Staged Concert is out now on digital download in the UK. Visit: https://www.lesmis.com/concert for details.
For every digital download purchased (RRP £9.99) The Mackintosh Foundation will separately donate £5.00 to be shared amongst the charities Acting for Others, the Musicians' Union Coronavirus Hardship Fund and Captain Tom Moore's Walk for the NHS fund*. In addition, Mackintosh has launched the fundraising today by donating £100,000 from his Foundation.