CBS Sunday Morning recently launched a new digital series entitled CBS Sunday Morning - Sunday Matinee! Every Sunday after their broadcast, at 3 PM, they will share exclusive content from Broadway and Off-Broadway shows so that fans can keep up with their favorite shows and stars from their computers and/or personal devices.
Today, as part of the series, Erin Davie performed "I Miss You Most on Sundays."
Watch the video!
#New - #SundayMorning @DianaOnBroadway began previews on March 2. The musical went dark ten days later due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Erin Davie, who plays Camilla Parker in the production, is here to perform the song "I MissYou Most on Sundays" exclusively on #SundayMatinee - CBS Sunday Morning ? (@CBSSunday) May 24, 2020