Disney's West End shows The Lion King, Aladdin, Mary Poppins and the eagerly awaited 2020 Frozen take centre stage with their summer pop-up experience.
For the second year running,
Disney Theatrical Productions have created a magical experience for all Disney fans, big or small.
Get a sneak peek at the experience and watch our video!
Activities include an immersive puppetry experience, a
Mary Poppins spelling challenge of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, and a specially created
Frozenphoto moment.
Open from 23 July to 1 September 2019, you can find the pop-up store at 21 Long Acre, Covent Garden, WC2E 9LD. The Pop-Up will be open Monday-Saturday, 10:30am-7pm, and Sunday at 11am-5pm.
You can find out more about this Disney Experience here