Harrison Bryan, Katie Luke, and Emily Wisser are helping to raise funds for THE ACTORS FUND with this "Avenue Q" parody video!
Check out the video!
Parody Lyrics by: Harrison Bryan, Katie Luke, and Emily Wisser Filmed, Recorded, and Edited by: Peter Romberg (IG: @peterromberg) Featuring: Katie Luke: (IG: @kikibuggy) Emily Wisser (IG: @elwisser) Harrison Bryan (IG: @hahaharrisonbryan) Winnifred "The Cat" Wisser (playing herself) Produced & Co-Directed by: Harrison Bryan (www.HarrisonBryan.com) Katie Luke (www.KatieLuke.com) Emily Wisser (www.EmilyWisser.net) Peter Romberg (www.PeterRomberg.com)
Original Music and Lyrics by: Bobby Lopez and Jeff Marx "When you help others, you can't help helping yourself." Please consider donating to *THE ACTORS FUND* today, (@theactorsfund), and support theatres, artists, and entertainers hit by this crisis.