Second Stage Theater will soon present the Broadway production of Tracy Letts's Linda Vista. Directed by Dexter Bullard, the production will feature Ian Barford (Wheeler), Sally Murphy (Margaret), Caroline Neff (Anita), Chantal Thuy (Minnie), Jim True-Frost (Paul), Cora Vander Broek (Jules) and Troy West(Michael).
Check out photos of the marquee below!
LINDA VISTA will play a strictly limited 8-week engagement, beginning previews September 19, 2019 at The Hayes Theater (240 West 44th Street), and officially opening on October 10, 2019.
Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner Tracy Letts (August: Osage County) takes a brutally comedic look at Wheeler, a 50-year-old divorcee in the throes of a mid-life spiral. Just out of his ex-wife's garage and into a place of his own, Wheeler starts on a path toward self-discovery-navigating blind dates, old friends, and new love. Full of opinions, yet short on self-examination, Wheeler must reconcile the man he has become with the man he wants to be.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride
Theatre Marquee unveiling for "Linda Vista" on September 11, 2019 at the Hayes Theatre in New York City.
Theatre Marquee unveiling for "Linda Vista" on September 11, 2019 at the Hayes Theatre in New York City.
Theatre Marquee unveiling for "Linda Vista" on September 11, 2019 at the Hayes Theatre in New York City.
Theatre Marquee unveiling for "Linda Vista" on September 11, 2019 at the Hayes Theatre in New York City.