The Village Playwright meet from 8 pm to 10 pm at the LGBT Community Center, 208 W. 13th St., NYC. Everyone is welcome. Check out their upcoming events below!
Oct 11 --
60 mins., Uni Rizzo, Hey Day (the last act) -- screen play about the "hey day" of sexual freedom.
Uni Coglioni's credits include being a recipient of the McClinchee Award for his play "Short Changed", and a performance of his play "Family Picnic" in the Ravenswood's Play Festival. Uni is also the recipient of two Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Awards. He recently finished a screenplay titled "Hey Day" and would love to find the right producer!
60 mins., Louis DeVaughn Nelson, "Monologues" -- A sociopolitical, psychosexual comedy in one act about a love quadrilateral between two directors and two actresses trying to gain each other's attention (and love) while rehearsing a new one-woman show.
Louis DeVaughn Nelson is a multidisciplinary artist and founder of Hokum Arts. He studied dance and playwriting at DeSales University and Drexel University. Nelson was named Best New Choreographer by Philadelphia City Paper and has been recognized internationally for his theatre, dance and video work that delves into cultural and movement research. Credits Include : The Peekaboo Revue, English Theatre Berlin, The Berlin Music Video Awards, Social Media Week, Tanzbad 4, CTM - Festival for Adventurous Music and Related Arts, CIANT Festival for Film and New Media, Dark Matter Productions NYC, Exquisite Corpse Company NYC, Dixon Place. More info at Facebook : Hokum Arts
Nov 8 -- 60 mins., Griselda Steiner, a scene from the screenplay DaVinci's New World Order
Griselda Steiner is a playwright, poet, freelance and screenplay writer. Her plays have been read at The Actors Studio, the Page Torn Salon, the Episcopal Actors Guild andthe Woodstock Fringe. Her poems have been published in literary journals and in Scene4 online. She has shown her poetry DVDs in Westbeth and read at the Cornelia Street Cafe, the Mexican Consulate, the 92nd St. Tribeca Cafe, St. Johns and The Duplex, NYC. Her feature articles have appeared in The Mailer Review, American Theatre Magazine, Parabola, Filmmakers Newsletter and Scene4 online.
The Village Playwrights meet at 8 PM on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at the LGBT Center, 208 W. 13th Street. Participation is open to all Playwrights and Screenwriters. Beginners are encouraged and helped. "This is a place to speak from the heart. This is a place to find one's voice. This is a place to take risks." For information about attending a Village Playwrights' meeting, call 614-285-2515 or e-mail
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