UG! COMEDY SHOW!! is having its ACTUAL 9 Year Anniversary (just realized we started in '08, lol #Anniversorry) and it's going to do it up with a HUGE BANG!!
Not only will we be featuring our favorite comics (Open stage for comics, everyone gets 5 minutes) But we'll also have special surprise performances and guests! (Folks you might recognize from television or from your local bodega, same thing)! So what are you waiting for? It's going to be the BIGGEST COMEDY PARTY OF THE YEAR! Come down clown, get on down with us & #UGIT!
UG! Comedy Show!! The ACTUAL 9 Year UG!iversary(#sorry)
Presented by Todd Montesi & Richard James
Tuesday Sept. 26th, 2017 @ The Mockingbird:
25 ave B (Off of East 2nd St & Ave B)
Showtime: 830pm SHARP (performers be there by 8:00PM to sign up)
No Cover, One Drink Min.
$2 Tacos & Tecates All Night Long!!
For info/reservations: 646-882-0593
Via subway: F train to 2nd ave.
Hosted by (mostly) Todd Montesi!!
DJ'd by Ritch James!!