UG! COMEDY SHOW!!: The 3rd Annual Quit Comedy Todd Montesi Roast (Tuesday March 4th, 2014 ed.)
The 3rd Annual Quit Comedy Todd Montesi Birthday Roast! Where NYC's Unfortunates come together and make fun of the Biggest Unfortunate of the Bunch Todd Montesi as he finally enters into adulthood for the 20th time. Featuring a night of cheap booze & surprise funny guests! Comics ripping each other apart! Funny anecdotes and hopefully some titties! (Always hope for titties) If you've ever been to an UG! show or know Todd Montesi & co, then this is the night for you! Witness the epic Spring Cleaning of our collective comedic egos this Tuesday & #UGIT!
UG! Comedy Show!!: The 3rd Annual Quit Comedy Todd Montesi RoastVideos