The popular comedy variety show The Same Sex-Tacular returns to The Upright Citizen's Brigade Theatre on Saturday, September 25th at 11:55 PM. Hosted by Tim Gunn (Michael Hartney) and Tim Gunn (John Flynn), and featuring two audience members who will compete in a design challenge that ends in a walk-off, only one designer can be called the winner.
The Same Sex-Tacular is the hottest variety show that features the best of LGBT talent. Started as the brain child of Michael Hartney and his sketch comedy group Secret Hospital, the show is now bigger and better than ever. Having featured the talents of Jeff Hiller(Broadway's Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson), as well Kate McKinnon and Stephen Guarino both of Logo's Big Gay Sketch Show. This month's lineup features Brian Faas(Best Day Ever Podcast), Sue Galloway(NBC's 30 Rock), Eliot Glazer(Contributing Editor for Urlesque), Chris Kelly(Onion News Network), Megan Neuringer(VH1's Best Week Ever), Matt Pavlovich, Andy Rocco(Cartoon Network's Fat Guy Stuck in Internet) and Andrea Rosen(Comedy Central's Stella). This month's show also features Jennifer Deiderich and Wesley Nault from Project Runway Season 5.
UCB Theatre is home to the best long-form improv and sketch in NYC. Founded by Matt Besser,
Ian Roberts, Matt Walsh and Amy Poehler in 1996, the theater and training center are the breeding grounds for NYC's hottest emerging talents. Named "Hot Farm Team" by Rolling Stone magazine and "Best Comedy Club" by AOL, The UCB Theatre is widely recognized as home to today's funniest actors and writers. Among our esteemed alumni include several performers and writers for Saturday Night Live, The Office, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Ellen Degeneres Show, 30 Rock, Best Week Ever, Old School, Blades of Glory, Semi-Pro and countless other films, commercials and television shows. Performers who have gained success continue to lend their talents to the theatre and training center.
The theatre is located in the heart of Chelsea at 307 W. 26th Street, New York, NY 10001. Their
website is