This morning, AT&T wireless posted an ad on Twitter encouraging people to watch football on their phones while at the theatre. Despite such behavior being rude, disruptive and, in New York City, illegal, AT&T wrote, "Don't let life get between you and football."
UPDATE: AT&T has since removed the original tweet and has responded to us here at BroadwayWorld, as well as some of its critics from Broadway and theatre community at large, writing:
@broadwayworld The show must go on, so we removed the ad. It wasn't to be taken literally and we meant no disrespect.
- AT&T (@ATT) September 14, 2015
@GentlemansGuide We've taken an intermission. The ad was not meant to be taken literally and has been removed.
- AT&T (@ATT) September 14, 2015
@GeorgeTakei Our curtain call didn't go as planned. You spoke & we listened. The ad wasn't meant to be taken literally & has been removed.
- AT&T (@ATT) September 14, 2015
@jamestaranto Perhaps we'll get an applause in our last act - we removed the ad. It wasn't meant to be taken literally.
- AT&T (@ATT) September 14, 2015
@LouisPeitzman The theater community has spoken and we listened. The ad wasn't meant to be taken literally and has been removed.
- AT&T (@ATT) September 14, 2015
@RexLee_ We love and listen to the thespian community. The ad wasn't meant to be taken literally and we meant no disrespect.
- AT&T (@ATT) September 15, 2015
See a screenshot of the original tweet below:
And here's how the theatre community first responded to the ad: