The show features Joan Jett, Alexa Ray Joel, Rick Negron, Adam Pascal, Constantine Maroulis, honoree Bill Porter and more.
Last night's ROCKERS ON BROADWAY: BAND TOGETHER will receive a special encore presentation tonight (Tuesday, November 10) at 10:00 PM ET on Broadway On Demand.
The show features Joan Jett; Alexa Ray Joel; Rick Negron; Adam Pascal, Constantine Maroulis; and honoree Bill Porter, and many others.
Highlights include Adam Pascal's rendition of Elton John's "Philadelphia Freedom,"; Costantine Maroulis' "No Rain," and Michael Cerveris' "Heroes."
Rockers' founder Donnie Kehr, along with The Who's Pete Townshend, said, "The show was a Broadway-highlight for sure; under the current circumstances it was a joyous show with outstanding music and terrific personalities."