The drama surrounding Trumbull High School's impending production of Rent continues, as administators recetly committed to moving the show forward on its home turf. Now the question is whether the students will perform the show at their school (on a delayed schedule), or on their previously announced run dates at Goodspeed Opera House. If the production were to go on at the high school, participating students would be unable to attend their previously planned choir trip to England.
The musical had been halted by school administrators at the end of last month, when first-year principal Marc Guarino and the school board decided to cancel the Trumbull High Thespian Society's planned production of Jonathan Larson's hit rock opera.
UPDATE: Howard Sherman told BroadwayWorld: "A group of students met with Principal Guarino to offer him a range of suggestions of programs that could be implemented quickly to address his possible concerns, although since he has not been specific in his reservations about RENT, their efforts involve a good amount of guesswork. Mr. Guarino has said he is still considering the request to move the show back to its original date, but as it has already lost preparatory time, one cannot help wonder whether Mr. Guarino is simply running down the clock so that his promulgated dates become inevitable, despite their many conflicts. A group of parents will be meeting with Mr. Guarino on Monday."
BroadwayWorld has also learned that earlier this week, The Dramatists Guild reached out to Guarino to offer support in arranging public events and educational programs. Principal Guarino failed to respond.