Olive & Pearl, for ages 2-5 and their families, tells the story of a young girl, Olive, who is raised by her Granny, Pearl. Centered on thematic elements of home, and what a home means, young audiences are invited into a cozy and gentle world, rich with sensory experiences.
The story follows Olive throughout her day, as she is affectionately taken care of by her grandmother. Granny Pearl builds fires, warms tea, makes meals, has a comforting lap to tell stories on and safe arms to rock Olive to sleep. Throughout their day the characters play, go on an imaginary journey to the moon, sing songs, and dance. Puppets, who reinforce the imagery of home, create additional characters; there is a mouse in its hole, and a fish in its water bowl and fairies in their fairy tree. Home is not only the structure of one's house, but the place one longs for to feel safety, love and warmth.
Magical, visual, stimulating, and oftentimes funny, Olive & Pearl is performed through beautiful puppetry, dance and an original live music score inspired by melodies of Bluegrass, Irish Fiddle, and traditional lullabies. A first introduction into live theatre, Olive & Pearl is both a mirror and a window, for the very young child, into what is the meaning of home. Perfect for the Family!
In addition to our performances, we will be offering Relaxed Performance options for audiences seeking a less restrictive performance environment, including those with sensory processing conditions, Autism, and learning or intellectual disabilities.
Purchase Tickets: https://oliveandpearlmay19.brownpapertickets.com/ and https://oliveandpearl2019.brownpapertickets.com/.