Universal Pictures Stage Productions, Working Title Films and Old Vic Productions in association with Weinstein Live Entertainment announced today that Tony winning original ‘Billy,' Trent Kowalik, will play his final performance on Sunday, March 7th at 7:30pm.
The 2009 Tony Award-winning Best Musical Billy Elliot the Musical currently stars Michael Dameski, Alex Ko, Trent Kowalik, Liam Redhead and Dayton Tavares as Billy, Kate Hennig as Mrs. Wilkinson, Philip Whitchurch as Dad, Carole Shelley as Grandma, Will Chase as Tony and Trevor Braun and Jake Evan Schwencke as Michael.
Billy Elliot the Musical, the show that Time Magazine called "The Best Musical of the Decade," is the joyous celebration of one boy's journey to make his dreams come true. Set in a small town, the story follows Billy as he stumbles out of the boxing ring and into a ballet class, discovering a passion that takes him by surprise, and takes his whole family on an incredibly uplifting adventure.
Featuring music by Elton John, book and lyrics by Lee Hall, choreographed by Peter Darling and directed by Stephen Daldry, Billy Elliot the Musical opened at Broadway's Imperial Theatre (240 W 45th St) Thursday, November 13, 2008 and was the winner of ten 2009 Tony Awards including Best Musical.
Tickets for Billy Elliot the Musical range from $41.50 to $136.50, and can be purchased at the Imperial Theatre Box Office (240 West 45th Street) or by calling Telecharge.com at 212-239-6200 or visiting www.Telecharge.com. The playing schedule for Billy Elliot is as follows: Tuesday at 7pm, Thursday - Saturday at 8pm, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday at 2pm and Sundays at 7:30pm.
Billy Elliot the Musical is produced by Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Jon Finn and Sally Greene. Angela Morrison and David Furnish are Executive Producers. The production features scenic design by Ian MacNeil, costume design by Nicky Gillibrand, lighting design by Rick Fisher and sound design by Paul Arditti. Musical supervision and orchestrations are by Martin Koch.