Due to the hurricane, the performance of Henning Rübsam's SENSEDANCE is canceled. They will try to re-schedule at a later date.
There were two premieres celebrating Henning’s 21st year as founding artistic director of his ensemble last night Saturday, October 27th at 8:30pm and the one scheduled for tonight Sunday, October 28th at 6:00 pm at Salvatore Capezio Theater at Peridance, 126 East 13thStreet. NYC. The premieres included, "obsession | calm" and "Brahms Dances". Also on the program is a reprise of Petit Pas” as a tribute to the late Neil Armstrong, whose voice is featured in the work; and “HALF-LIFE 102”. The Dancers for the season are: Cynthia Dragoni, Erin Ginn, Heidi Green, Temple Kemezis, Jacqueline Stewart, Nathan Bland, Uthman