The performance is on Saturday, Nov. 18th, 2023 at 7pm.
On Saturday, November 18th, 2023 at Steel Wig Music,Composers Concordance presents 'Todd Rewoldt & Friends', a concert featuring new music for alto saxophone, piano, and guitar, to be performed by Todd Rewoldt - alto saxophone, Gene Pritsker - guitar, and Jai Jeffryes - piano. Featured compositions include Gene Pritsker's 'Bach and the Nanny-Goat Bassoonist II,' Aaron Alter's 'Social Situations,' and Kitty Brazelton's 'A Woman Alone, But Not Lonely,' plus music by William Anderson, Seth Boustead, Gilbert Galindo, Jane Getter, Denise Koncelik, Eugene W. McBride, and Dave Soldier.
The performance is on Saturday, Nov. 18th, 2023 at 7pm.
Aaron Alter, William Anderson,
Seth Boustead, Kitty Brazelton,
Gilbert Galindo, Jane Getter,
Denise Koncelik, Eugene W. McBride,
Gene Pritsker, Dave Soldier
Todd Rewoldt - alto saxophone
Gene Pritsker - guitar
Jai Jeffryes - piano
Saxophonist Todd Rewoldt has performed at major concert venues throughout Sweden, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Canada, China, Ireland, Australia, and throughout the United States, including festival appearances at Calgary New Music, World Saxophone Congress, Veneto International Jazz, Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras, International Computer Music Conference, Society for Electro-Acoustic Music, Carlsbad Music Festival, and Tribeca New Music. He has recorded on the Nonesuch, Aleppo, Warner Bros., and Composer's Concordance labels, and taught master classes at Juilliard, Yale, Beijing Central Conservatory, Sydney Conservatorium, North Texas, UCLA, Temple, and USC. Todd is a Selmer Artist and performs on Selmer saxophones exclusively.