ImprovBoston, New England's longest running comedy theater, unites over 300 internationally-renowned improv, sketch and standup comedy artists for the 7th annual Boston Comedy Arts Festival. From September 9-13, acclaimed acts from Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Austin and more showcase industry-leading comedy talents on three professional stages.
In addition to over 30 shows in five short days, the festival includes workshops with headliners, a podcast hosted by acclaimed comedian
Greg Proops and a host of ImprovBoston-sponsored events. In addition to mainstream improv, sketch and comedy, the festival celebrates alternative comedy genres including musical improvisation, monologues, silent comedy, puppet improv, family-friendly shows and more.
Festival headliners include
Greg Proops of Whose Line Is It Anyway (LA), acclaimed improv ensemble Paralellogramophonograph (Austin), national mind-reading sensation
Eric Dittleman (America's Got Talent), and more.
Tom Spataro, Managing Director at ImprovBoston and Executive Producer of the Boston Comedy Arts Festival shares, "Not only are we incredibly excited about the caliber of acts we're featuring this year, but we're pleased to partner with the Cambridge Arts Council and The Cambridge Public Library to showcase a new Cambridge performance venue for our festival."
Tickets for the 7th Annual Boston Comedy Arts Festival are available now online at Visit the site for a list of show and workshop schedules, bios, photos and a blog. ?