The black comedy The House of Yes, the play that inspired the 1997 cult film hit, will be presented by TheatreRats at the Medicine Show Theatre from April 26th through May 5th.
"What's a little sex and gunplay among family? Throw in a charmingly calculated and maniacal young woman who thinks she's Jackie Kennedy and it's Wendy Macleod's cult classic, The House of Yes, presented by TheatreRats. The show is helmed by critically-acclaimed avant-garde director Lauren Reinhard (Milkcan Theater's Trojan Women 2.0 with Chuck Mee, TheatreRats' The Changeling)," state press materials.
"The story is fairly simple. Jackie loved Marty. Marty left Jackie. Jackie shot Marty. Oh…and they're twins. Fast forward one year…Marty is bringing home his new fiancée at Thanksgiving to meet the family – aristocratic, faux-French Mom; forgotten brother Anthony; and of course, Jackie. What follows is equal parts hilarity and horror, as the family slowly but surely unravels to reveal its darkest secrets. In its satire of American class, society, family and love, The House of Yes is a perpetual audience favorite for its incredible power to delight and disturb."
Tickets are $18 and can be purchased online or at the door. For tickets, go to For more information, email