Theater Resources Unlimited opens up the possibilities for tomorrow's productions with RAISING MONEY FOR THEATER: How, Who and When to Ask, an all-day intensive workshop about many crucial aspects of raising money for theater. The workshop takes place on Saturday, January 22, 2011 from 10am-6pm at The Players Theatre, 3rd Floor Loft, 115 MacDougal Street (below W. 3rd Street), NYC. Workshop fee is $175 ($25 off for members of TRU).
It's a tough economy, no doubt about it. All the more reason why people need support and the skills to go about the business of producing. Attendees will acquire some basic tools and information that will help them to function effectively in these times and the better days that are surely ahead. From networking techniques to legal requirements and effective business planning, plus a wealth of first-hand experience from more than a half dozen producers who are currently active in the Broadway and off-Broadway worlds, audiences will receive an informative, empowering and inspiring day.
Faculty this year will include Broadway producers William Franzblau (Wonderland, Little House on the Prairie, Evil Dead, Say Goodnight Gracie), Cheryl Wiesenfeld (Play Dead, A Steady Rain, Legally Blonde, Elaine Stritch: At Liberty), Patrick Blake (The Exonerated, Play Dead), Jane Dubin (The Norman Conquests, The 39 Steps), Tom Smedes (Next Fall, [title of show]), plus attorneys Cheryl Davis and Bruce Lazarus, business consultants RK Greene and Sheila Speller; and a personal coach.
Other upcoming TRU workshops include Funding Panel: The Current Struggle on Thursday, January 20. Details about all TRU programs can be found online at
Admission is $175 ($25 off for members of TRU. Applications are available online at Payment by check may be mailed to Theater Resources Unlimited, Boot Camp, 309 W. 104th Street 1D, NYC NY 10025 (please include an application). On-line payment by Paypal or by credit card is available at