But, as is always the case, the results aren't exactly as he had hoped for and he must deal with the fallout from all those around him, including his daughter and assistants as their eyes are opened for the first time.
Popular author Jack Sharkey's last comedy, Just Say Yes! was written with his brother, Tom Sharkey, the composer and librettist of It's a Wonderful Life.
Performance dates are Fridays and Saturdays at 8p.m. June 2- June 24 and Sundays June 11 and 25 at 4p.m.
All tickets are $15 for all ages For more information or to make a reservation please call the theater at (916) 509-3445. Also see our website at www.theatreintheheights.com for more information and directions to the theater. Theatre In The Heights is located at 8215 auburn Blvd., Suite G Citrus Heights, CA 95610 and seats 50.