"Checks and Balances or Bottoms Up" is a rip-roaring musical that pits a Catholic school girl and a subway conductor against a Monster Puppet as they fight for the health and safety of all New Yorkers , the civil rights of America and finally, the future of our planet. This is the story of the awakening of America's true Patriots to do battle with the Monster of Apple Pie fascism and the Pumpkin Head of state, whose mission lies in golf courses and hotels, Russian dances, corporate princes and the power of money. Starting out at opposite ends of a spontaneous protest by subway passengers on the L train, they, each in their own world, learn the true reasons for our current distress and mentored by community activists, a teacher who works after school to make his students successful, an Investigative Reporter, A Buddhist monk in disguise of an itinerant bum, and a blue Blue fairy whose quiver is filled with Love Dust and Glittering Truth.
They see the agony of deportation, the fears of the lack of healthcare-the misery of unemployment-the attempt to stifle a free press - the horrific possibility of running headlong into World War III - with the Monster Puppet's small hands on the Attack Button - Alternative facts and Fake News do a Vaudeville Ballet while the head of the Environmental Protection Agency applauds the Dakota oil pipeline and the Federal Secretary of Education shuts down the Public Schools. But at the same time, the ground swell from the Bottom rises and Solar Power, Wind Energy, Economic Safety Nets, Medicare For All, and World Peace are now on the minds of all New Yorkers. Proudly we sing THE SANCTUARY CITY BLUES. And the Ultimate Power of Truth cannot be hidden.
The Story of this Bourgeoning Consciousness and Movement of the People, the Bravery and Courage of the Courts, the coming up of new and vital Congress Members running for election and the stampede of new ideas and solutions that benefit us all.
That story is to be continued!
"Checks and Balances or Bottoms Up!" has a singing, dancing, company of 50 with a five piece live band, puppets, masks, trap-doors and smoke machines. Book and Lyrics by Crystal Field. Music composed and Arranged by Justin Vernon Banks. CHECKS AND BALANCES or BOTTOMS UP opens Saturday, August 5th at2pm on 10th street right next to Theater for the New City.
Saturday, August 5th- 2PM - Manhattan
TNC, East 10th Street at 1st Avenue
Sunday, August 6th- 2PM - Bronx
St. Mary's Park, 147th Street & St. Ann's Avenue
Saturday, August 12th - 2PM - Manhattan
Tompkins Square Park at East 7th Street & Avenue A
Sunday, August 13th - 2PM - Manhattan
Central Park Bandshell, 72nd Street Crosswalk
Friday, August 18 st - 6:30PM - Brooklyn
Coney Island Boardwalk at West 10th Street
Saturday, August 19 th - 2PM - Manhattan
Jackie Robinson Park, West 147th Street & Bradhurst Avenue
Sunday, August 20st - 2PM - Brooklyn
Bedford-Stuyvesant, Herbert Von King Park at Marcy & Tompkins
Saturday, August 26th - 2PM - Brooklyn
Sunset Park at 44th Street & 6th Avenue
Sunday, August 27th - 2PM - Queens
Jackson Heights, Travers Park at 34th Avenue between 77th & 78th Streets
Saturday, September 9th - 2PM - Manhattan
Washington Square Park
Sunday, September 10th - 2PM - Manhattan
Wise Towers, West 90th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues
Saturday, September 16th - 2PM - Staten Island
Corporal Thompson Park, Broadway & Wayne Street, West New Brighton
Sunday, September 17th - 2PM - Manhattan
St. Marks Church, East 10th Street at 2nd Avenue