Chef Randy Stricklin-Witherspoon serves as a frequent caterer for such Broadway shows as HAMILTON, WICKED and KINKY BOOTS, bringing individual boxed lunches for both cast and crew members on a daily basis. Now, diners at large will have the chance to sample his low country-style Southern cuisine with the October opening of SpoonFed, a new New York City eatery located at 331 W. 51st St., between Eighth and Ninth Avenues.
The chef tells that eating at the restaurant will be "like going into your best friend's grandmother's kitchen." The South Carolina native, who also works as a costume department dresser for many Broadway shows, began his catering business back in 2008. Since that time, his theater clientele have personally requested that he open a restaurant. Among his many celebrity fans are Vanessa Redgrave, Christopher Jackson, James Earl Jones and Patti LuPone.
In addition to the savory menu, the chef says that he will welcome musicians and singers to perform on a stage located on the establishment's second floor. "It's an open mic for the Broadway community, basically," he explains. "Hopefully their fans will want to come and check it out as well."
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Photo credit: Spoonfed