Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) presents a Networking Event to help writers talk more effectively about their work. Announcing the next Writer-Producer Speed Date: The Art of the Pitch on Sunday, March 3, 2019 starting at 4:30pm at Shetler Studios, 244 West 54th St., 12th fl. (PH1).
Submission deadline for applicants is February 23, 2019. Submission is free; if accepted tickets are $75.00 for TRU members and $85.00 for non-members. Please apply to purchase your spot through the WriterSpeedDateApp-85-75 form at
Speed Date is an opportunity for writers to pitch their shows to commercial and indie producers, beginning with professional coaching sessions that culminate in effective "elevator pitches." 22 writers chosen through the application process at will present their work to 11 producers, including Evan Bernardin, producer, general manager (Afterglow), Rashad V. Chambers, producer (American Son), Nolan Doran, producer (Head Over Heels), William Franzblau, producer (Sistas, Wonderland, Say Goodnight Gracie), John Lant, indie producer (Frankenstein the musical), Ken Waissman, producer (Grease), Frank Zuback, producer (Taking Leave); plus four more tba.
Session 1 begins with coaching at 4:30pm and pitches to producers at 5:30, and Session 2 begins with coaching at 5:30pm and pitches to producers at 6:30pm. These one-on-one sessions prepare writers to successfully pitch their work to commercial and non-commercial producers, all interested in new projects. In addition to these 11 producers, additional producers from TRU's Producer Development program and other new producers may be present, giving the opportunity to pitch to as many as 22 different producers.
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) is the leading network for developing theater professionals, a twenty-six year old 501c3 nonprofit organization created to help producers produce, emerging theater companies to emerge healthily and all theater professionals to understand and navigate the business of the arts. Membership includes self-Producing Artists as well as career producers and theater companies.
TRU publishes an email community newsletter of services, goods and productions; presents the TRU VOICES Annual New Play Reading Series and Annual New Musicals Reading Series, two new works series in which TRU underwrites developmental readings to nurture new shows as well as new producers for theater; offers a Producer Development & Mentorship Program taught by prominent producers and general managers in New York theater, and also presents Producer Boot Camp workshops to help aspirants develop business skills. TRU serves writers through a Writer-Producer Speed Date, a Practical Playwriting Workshop, How to Write a Musical That Works and a Director-Writer Communications Lab.
Programs of Theater Resources Unlimited are supported in part by public funds awarded through the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, as well as the Montage Foundation and the Leibowitz Greenway Foundation.
For more information about TRU membership and programs, visit