The Space Between is a series of performance pieces with original music based on our relationships to each other and to nature in a digital age. Utilizing multiple artistic forms (dance and music) these works explore the walls we build that separate us from each other and asks us to consider how we can maintain empathy and personal connection in a time that seems to encourage disconnection, self-obsession and multi-tasking. The first section of this performance will include a unique view into Bryce Dance Company's artistic process. We will create a short new work based on a theme of the audience's choosing in order to invite the audience into the artistic process.
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Bryce Dance Company is an eight-member professional contemporary performance company with a focus on interdisciplinary and community-based work. Bryce Dance Company believes that art has the potential to inspire positive social change. We create work for the stage with professional dancers; works in alternative spaces; and frequently work collaboratively with communities and organizational partners.
?We frequently invite alternative populations (i.e. elders and people without formal training) into the creation of new work. We believe in exposing new audiences to dance and making dance accessible. We often present professional work in public spaces, make the process of creating work visible and facilitating dialogue between the audience and the artists.Bryce Dance Company has been presented at Theaters, Galleries and Festivals across New England and beyond. Artistic Director and Founder of the company, Heather Bryce has received awards and grant funding for her innovative, community-engaged choreography and performance work.
For more information about the company please visit