"Duets of Difference" is a dance-theatre performance created by Creative Traffic Flow that explores how we find unity and equity despite conflict and difference. This show is a culmination of Creative Traffic Flow's work with Lower East Side community members.
The performance brings six members selected from University Settlement community programs and each of them is paired with someone unlike themselves in age, identity, faith, or culture. The performers are older adults from our Meltzer Center, young adults with special needs from our EXCEL Program, English Language Learners from our Adult Literacy Program, and homeless LGBTQ youth from our partner organization, The Door.
"Duets of Difference" is deeply informed and inspired by the participants' identities while also exploring how two contrary voices can hold space for one another. In this age of fast information consumption, Creative Traffic Flow wants to cultivate time and space for real exchanges instead of leaning into our current political impulses to polarize and hate.
Creative Traffic Flow (DawN Crandell, Kristin Rose Kelly, and Jeesun Choi) is a theatre collective formed to create ensemble-driven performances with queer people of color and women as leaders. Their play, "Voices from the Roanoke River," has been commissioned by Clear Valley Council and developed at 2018 Works On Water and Underwater New York Governors Island Residency. Creative Traffic Flow strive to present and perform at the highest level of artistic integrity while honoring multiple forms of expressions and perspectives.
University Settlement has always been committed to providing support to communities and families. Through the programs, it impacts 40,000 New Yorkers every year.
More information here: https://www.universitysettlement.org/us/news/PerformanceProject/2018-fall/creative-traffic-flow-duets-of-d/
Get your tickets here: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3607127