After being named one of the "Ten Best Comedy Shows of 2014" by Time Out New York, The PIT announcse the return of acclaimed theatrical comedy Hold On To Your Butts, a LIVE shot-for-shot remake of the greatest epic dinosaur movie of all time, performed by just two actors and a foley artist.
"I'm thrilled to continue developing new and exciting work at the intersection of improv, sketch, and traditional theater," says PIT Artistic Director Kevin Laibson.
We all have our nostalgia flick: one movie that blew our pre-adolescent minds with its epic story, special effects, and iconic score. For these artists who grew up in the 90s, that movie is Jurassic Park, which has remained the gold standard of dinosaur flicks for the past twenty years. Part spoof, part tribute, this highly theatrical version is intensely physical, imaginative, and silly, using only specific costume pieces and rudimentary props to recreate iconic moments from the film. Under an hour!
Performances will be at The Peoples Improv Theater (Striker Stage) beginning Sunday, February 22 at 2PM, and run through Monday, March 30 at 9:30PM. Tickets are $18 for general admission and $1 for students. Tickets are available at and at the door. The Peoples Improv Theater is located at 123 E 24th St in New York, NY. For more information, visit