The Mori Art Museum and the Tate Research Centre: Asia-Pacific of London, established in 2012, jointly present a symposium on "Trauma and Utopia". The symposium explores mutual interactions and trans-national impacts in art in Asia from the immediate post-war years through the present.The diverse pace of political and social developments in different nations resulted the varied stages of development in the recovery from the war, democratization, modernization and urbanization across Asia, and "trauma" and "utopia" stand as keywords both for looking at the past and for considering a better future. In the meantime, the theory and practice of art have taken on global dimensions, giving rise to an intellectual task to challenge the Euro-American, twentieth-century canons and to examine artistic interchanges and influences within Asia.
In this symposium, academics and curators from around the globe will gather to discuss a wide range of topics, from artistic engagements in political and social development and the urban landscape around Asia, to the notions of utopia and dystopia in the recovery from post-war period to the present in the field of performance art, and the individual artists' practice that reflect the ideas of trauma and utopia amongst other pertinent topics.
Organizers: MoriArt Museum,Tate Research Centre:Asia-Pacific Cooperation: Academyhills
Dates & Times: Thursday, October 9, 2014, 9:30-17:00 (Doors open: 9:00) / Friday, October 10, 2014, 10:00-17:30 (Doors open: 9:30)
Venue: Halls A2-A4, 5F, Toranomon Hills Forum
Admission: ¥1,000 per day (¥2,000 for both days), MAMC Member Free
Day 1:Thursday, October 9, 2014
Opening Remarks: Nanjo Fumio (Director, Mori Art Museum) Introduction of the Program: Nigel Llewellyn (Head of Research,Tate)
?Session 1:Towards Utopia 10:00-13:00
Introduction of session 1: Kataoka Mami (Chief Curator, Mori Art Museum)
Keynote speech: Yatsuka Hajime (Architect, Critic)
Presentation 1:
"Democracy in Urban Space: Flying City's Cheonggyecheon Project (2003-2009), Seoul" Sohl Lee (Art Historian in Modern and Contemporary Asian Art)
Presentation 2:
"Participation and Place-Making in ruangrupa and Keg de Souza'sVerticalVillages" Francis Maravillas (Associate Researcher at the Transforming Cultures Research Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney)
Presentation 3:
"A Troubled Landscape: Political Subjectivity in Late 1960s and early 1970s Japanese Photography"
Nina Horisaki-Christens (Ph.D in Art History and Archaeology at University of Columbia) Discussions and Q&A
Moderator:WatanabeToshio (Board Member,Tate Research Centre:Asia-Pacific)
?Session 2: Performing Politics 14:10-17:00
Introduction of session 2: Nigel Llewellyn
Presentation 1: "Embodying Postwar Trauma: Examining the fragmented body in the
performance of Tatsumi Hijikata, Gunger Brus and Rudolf Schwarzkogler"
Lucy Weir (Associate Tutor, University of Glasgow)
Presentation 2: "Bride Stripped Bare:Yoko Ono's Cut Piece ,Trauma and the Politics of Performance (1964/2003/2012)"
Rakhee Balaram (Assistant Professor, University at Albany,The State University of NewYork) Presentation 3: "Challenging the frames of performance: Memory, Trauma and Activism in the multimedia and interdisciplinary performance practices of DumbType in 1990s Japan"
Stephen Barber (Professor,Visual Culture of Kingston University, London, Research Fellow, the International Research Center "Interweaving of Performance Cultures", the Freie Universita?t Berlin)
Fran Lloyd (Professor, Art History, Director, the Visual & Material Culture Research Centre in the Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture at Kingston University)
Presentation 4: "Scanning and Flashing Memory: Haunting images and sensibility in the work of Takatani Shiro from 90s to Present"
Ishitani Haruhiro (Post-graduate Research, the Konan Institute of Human and Sciences) Discussions and Q&A
Moderator: Sook-Kyung Lee (Research Curator,Tate Research Centre:Asia-Pacific)
Capacity: 300 (booking required)
Day 2: Friday, October 10, 2014
?Session 3: Post- traumatic Landscape 10:00-13:00
Introduction of session 3: Kataoka Mami
Keynote speech: Hatakeyama Naoya (Photographer) in conversation with Majella Munro (Postdoctoral Researcher,Tate Research Centre:Asia-Pacific)
Presentation 1:
"Re-Ruined Utopia: Arata Isozaki's 'Electric Labyrinth' (1968)"
NakamoriYasufumi (Associate Curator, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston)
Presentation 2:
"Atomic Bomb for Sightseeing: Kimura Ihei's photographs in a Travel Guide to Hiroshima" Kajiya Kenji (Associate Professor, Contemporary Art History at Archival Research Center at Kyoto City University of Arts)
Presentation 3:
"Redza Piyadasa's The Great Malaysian Landscape and the Problem of National Representation in 1970s Malaysia"
Chanon (kenji) Praepipatmongkol (Ph.D. in the History of Art, University of Michigan)
Discussions and Q&A
Moderator: Hayashi Michio (Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University)
?ArtWork Screening 14:00-14:40
Curated by Kataoka Mami and Sook-Kyung Lee
?Session 4:Transforming the Present 14:45-17:30
Introduction of session 4: Sook-Kyung Lee
"The Global Space of Violence in Contemporary Chinese Video Art"
Peggy Wang (Assistant Professor, Art history and Asian studies at Bowdoin College) Presentation 2:
"For Post Fukushima Humanity: MatsuzawaYutaka's Critique of Material Civilization" Tomii Reiko (Independent Art Historian, Co-founder of PoNJA-GenKon)
Presentation 3:
"Do-Ho Suh's Phantom House and Traumatic Nostalgia"
Woo Jung-Ah (Assistant Professor, the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Postech) Presentation 4:
"Whose Utopia, Factory-scape and the Ecology of the Chinese Dream"
Monica Merlin (Researcher,Tate Research Centre:Asia-Pacific)
Discussions and Q&A
Moderator: Kataoka Mami
* This Symposium has been supported by Mori Art Museum Best Friends.
* Tate Research Centre: Asia-Pacific has been generously supported by the Andrew
W. Mellon Foundation. Additional support provided by Vicky Hughes and John Smith.
* Please note that the title listed on the program reflects the original paper and might differ from the actual presentation title.