The acclaimed British comedy foursome, The Hollow Men, famous to viewers of Comedy Central, return to New York for a three-week engagement from June 24 - July 16 at The Village Theatre (158 Bleecker Street) presented by WestBeth Entertainment.
"Frequently hailed as successors to such legendary teams as Monty Python, Kids in the Hall and the League of Gentlemen, The Hollow Men are Cambridge grads David Armand, Rupert Russell, Sam Spedding and Nick Tanner who, with their own unique voice, have taken sketch comedy to places it's never dared to go," states a press article. Member Armand says, "We're tackling the usual weighty themes – sex, death, madness, fin de siecle ennui – all in our loveable knockabout fashion." This live show, their first since the Comedy Central series aired, will include favorite sketches from the television show, as well as new material never seen before. The Evening News has cited their "Flawless attention to detail, immaculately performed and hilarious."
After winning the Jury Award at the Aspen Comedy Festival in 2003, the Hollow Men were called one of Variety's "Ten Comics to Watch." They previously played New York to sold-out houses in March 2004, as part of the British/Irish Comedy Invasion. Following their current engagement, they will be one of the featured acts at this year's "Just For Laughs" Festival in Montreal.
The show will play on the following performance schedule: Wednesday – Friday at 8 PM, Saturday at 8 & 10:30 PM. Tickets for The Hollow Men are $27.50 and are available after June 20 through the box office at 212-253-2164, through Ticketmaster at (212) 307-4100, or at