To revive the art scene in Soho, he will bring the statue across the street of Cipriani Restaurant on Tuesday, June 30th & Friday, July 3rd, he is inviting people to pray. Everyone must wear a mask and will be socially distanced. He will be there from 3pm to 7PM at 376 W Broadway at the corner of Broome Street
The Heroes Sculpture was displayed in front of New York Presbyterian Hospital
when the shift change happens for health care workers. Everyone loved the tribute and people joined in to say a prayer.
Below see the documentary of the making of the Heroes Monument:
There is a gofundme page to help pay for making this monument in bronze and funding some children art programs led by Sergio himself. The program consists of creating art made by children that will be displayed in public spaces and galleries. So far this creation of this Hero monument is being funded entirely by Sergio Furnari.
With the right financial support Sergio could create multiple monuments glorifying doctor/nurses heroism around the country.
This is not the first tribute to America's Heroes. Sergio created the "Lunchtime on top of a Skyscraper" sculpture that was inspired by the famous photo of the same name. He sat at the footprints of The World Trade Center for months, so that the workers would see the tribute as they took breaks from work and even let them sit on top to take photos and feel recognized.