The Ateh Theater Group will present the world premiere production of The Girl Detective , based on the short story by Kelly Link (Magic for Beginners), and adapted and directed by Bridgette Dunlap (The Girl in the Flammable Skirt).
The Girl Detective will play a four-week limited engagement at the Connelly Theatre (220 East 4th Street). Performances begin at 8 pm on Thursday through Sunday and will run from Saturday, February 24 through Saturday, March 17. There is an additionaly 8 p.m. performance on Monday, February 26.
The Girl Detective is "a master of disguise. She finds missing things, chases tap-dancing bank robbers and eats our dreams. But in her life of intrigue and adventure one mystery remains: the whereabouts of her long lost mother. It is a "wild journey to the underworld" and a "surreal, darkly funny story of loss and reunion," according to press materials.Tickets are $15 and are now available online at or by calling 212-352-3101. Tickets may also be purchased in person one hour prior to the show at the Connelly Theatre.Videos