The services will be Sunday, February 23rd at 5 PM at Trinity Church and Sunday, March 2 at 6:30 PM at The Brick Presbyterian Church.
Brick Presbyterian Church will continue its 2024-25 Worship & Arts season with two special services of Choral Evensong, featuring the Brick Church Chancel Choir together with the Choir of Trinity Church, Princeton. The services will be Sunday, February 23rd at 5 PM at Trinity Church (33 Mercer Street, Princeton, NJ), and Sunday, March 2 at 6:30 PM at The Brick Presbyterian Church (1140 Park Avenue, Manhattan, NY).
The two festival services, led by the 50 voices of Brick's and Trinity's combined choirs, will include extraordinary works from the grand tradition of the English cathedrals, as well as contemporary American music. The choirs will sing Bring us, O Lord God by William H. Harris, the Preces & Responses by William Smith, the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis of the Gloucester Service by Herbert Howells, and Dazzling as the Sun by Gwyneth Walker.
All are welcome to attend Evensong, irrespective of their religion, background or beliefs. A unique event in its bringing together of history, faith, music, and mindfulness, Evensong is part of a living tradition that is offered to the general public. Both services are free of cost, and no tickets are required.
One of the treasures of the Anglican tradition, Evensong is a service of sung evening prayer that combines music with readings from scripture and ancient prayers. The choir leads the 45-minute service, while the congregation participates in hymns and spoken sections of the liturgy, as well as in quiet prayer and meditation throughout the service.
The flexibility and reflective atmosphere of Evensong has garnered popularity over the last century, with many individuals of wide-ranging religious backgrounds attending. Reasons for this growth in attendance range from the desire to experience superb live performances of choral music, to finding solace in stillness and calm at the end of a busy day, to an opportunity for personal reflection or meditation.