Amazing- Our comedy show started 8 years ago at a bar in East Midtown in the hopes of having a venue where not only we comics can perform & hone our craft but also have a hangout for all our myriad friends & fans both old & soon to be- bars have come & gone, we've moved from east to west, uptown to downtown, but we've still kept on UG!in' it, each year getting bigger & stronger, making Tuesday nights THE night to party! Now, we've come to the 8th Year of our existence, because of all the good times, laughter & fun that just won't stop- UG! COMEDY SHOW!! IS TRULY FOR ALL! Come down & celebrate a TRUE NYC EXPERIENCE where we showcase comics both new & old, established & novice, famous & obscure keep the torch of NYC meat & potatoes unpretentious FUNNY going for another year! Open stage party: Any comic/performer who wants to get up gets 5 minutes of stage time- We're also introducing the 1st Ever UGGY!! Awards to honor those who've UG'd! It for the past year! (You just gotta come see it to believe it lol) 8 Years of laughs & good times, cheers to 100 years more- come share it with us This Monumental Tuesday Yall! Let's #UGIT
The UG! Comedy Show!! 8 Year UG!iversary Show
Presented by Todd Montesi , Pat Rigby & Ritch James
Tuesday Sept. 22nd, 2015 @ No Fun Bar:
161 Ludlow St. (Corner of Ludlow & Stanton st.)
Showtime: 9pm SHARP (performers be there by 8:30PM to sign up)
No Cover, One Drink Min.
For info/reservations: 212-477-1616
Via subway: F train to 2nd ave.