BROADWAY SESSIONS is described as an evening of musical performances, games and open mic featuring a new Broadway cast twice monthly. The show is created and hosted by Ben Cameron (Bway Wicked, Aida, Footloose, Dance Captain Dance Attack web series) and features musical director Joshua Stephen Kartes on piano.
During this time of quarantine, Broadway Sessions will be offering digital programming on Thursday evenings through Facebook LIVE. Show will go live at 8:30pm.
This Thursday night, May 14th, a roster of Broadway favorites will share their go to audition songs and stories from "inside the room". Some hilarious, some horrifying, some triumphant, all EPIC!
Performers scheduled to perform include:
Tessa Alves (Beetlejuice), Tim Young (Next To Normal), Talya Groves (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory), Michelle Dowdy (Les Miserables), Harris Milgrim (Tootsie), Antoine Smith (Carousel), Lisa Howard (Escape To Margaritaville). The stream will also feature performances by up and comers Micheal Hassel and Jeremy Hammel.
Broadway Sessions is a supporter of BC/EFA and recently received the Ruth Kurtzman Benfit Award at the Mac Awards.
Viewers will be able to comment along and ask questions via the FB LIVE stream and are encouraged to share the stream online.