THE BIT LIST begins September 16 via Zoom.
Taylor Louderman, Hannah Kloepfer, and Nat Zegree are presenting an all new musical, "the Bit List," a one-act STEM youth musical written for teens, with gender inclusivity and flexible cast sizes in mind.
The Bit List is a stand-alone companion piece to the team's first musical-turned-zoomical, Pitch In.
"After the success of Pitch In, we were inspired to create more material for this age group. All the young actors we worked with were thrilled to work on new material that was both age appropriate and vocally appropriate... and we were too!" Kloepfer said.
Zoomical Workshops begin September 16th! Workshops are limited to 15 slots and are designed for actors aged 12-16. (session full? Slightly over or under the age limit? email
"As with Pitch In, we're excited to connect students around the country and across the globe during what continues to be an unpredictable year personally and academically for them. We've proven that theater magic can exist even through Zoom, and I'm so proud of this community." Louderman shared.
During Zoomical Workshops with Louderman, Kloeper, and Zegree, students meet three times and work on: Self-tapes/auditions; Scene Work (Day 1)a??; Music Rehearsals (Day 2)a??; assembling "Cast Recordings"a??; and a fully cast Table Read with talk back (Day 3)a??
"This entire experience has been truly unique. This is another opportunity not only to bring an entirely original script and score to life but also to talk about all corners of the industry with the creative team." says Zegree, composer of The Bit List, Pitch In as well as the much buzzed about musical, Fly More Than You Fall, winner of 9 BroadwayWorld Awards including Best New Musical.
The bit list is an all new [zoom + (mus)ical] following Blake, Morgan and Taylor (characters featured in PITCH IN) at the elite iceBERG academy, a coding camp run by the Elona Schnuckerberg. They're excited to meet other Snerds just like them, but soon after arriving, the bit list is released. It's a camp-wide roster sorting students into binary code as either 0 (losers) or 1 (cool). By the end of summer, rumors will swirl, friendships will be tested, and they'll learn what it really takes to be top of the class.