Transplants Comedy Show is a comedy show with comics who tell stories and/or jokes about living in NYC, their hometowns and their journey here to follow their dreams of becoming a successful stand up comedian. Come hear how different New York City is to the rest of America or the world.
Next one is on November 3rd at 7.30pm $7 online $10 day of. QED 27-16 23rd Avenue, Astoria. Such an amazing line up:
Kyle Ayers Missouri JFL
Jordan Raybould Kansas New York Comedy Festival, The Raybould Brothers
Bret Raybould Kansas Bridgetown Comedy Festival, Skank Fest
Katie Boyle Ireland Cinderblock Festival
Anya Volz Vermont
Kenice Mobley North Carolina Bridgetown Comedy Festival
Mike Recine Jersey Half hour on Comedy Central
NYC Host: Sonya Vai Cinderblock Comedy Festival
Q.E.D. is an after-school space for grown-ups. We offer affordable classes and shows that are as diverse as Queens itself. At Q.E.D. you'll find arts and crafts, stand-up comedy, tastings, DIY projects, poetry slams, game nights, walking tours, storytelling, gardening, improv, and everything in between.