"Girl on Girl," the new Jodi Savitz documentary that is getting buzz for its honest depiction of discrimination being faced by feminine lesbians from within and outside of the LGBTQ community, is being honored at a special fundraising event hosted by Lauren Bedford Russell of The Real L Word and produced by {Your Name Here} A Queer Theater tonight, May 29th, 2013.
Ms. Savitz will be on hand to explain and show clips of the film alongside specially commissioned plays by Sandra de Helen, Ally Blumenfeld, and the filmmaker. A guest improv group from the Upright Citizens Brigade will use comedy to delve further into the complex topics raised by the film. Musician Kara Ali will be performing her original music (karaalimusic.com). Noted artist, Olivia Boyle (oliviaportraits.com) has also contributed original artwork corresponding to the themes that will be prominently displayed and up for silent auction.
The event, titled "I AM A LESBIAN. CAN YOU SEE ME NOW?" will run from 7pm-10pm at Appnexus Social Space, which is located at 28 W. 23rd St, 4th Floor. Reservations are $25 advance/$30 at the door and can be found through our website (www.yournamehereqtc.org/event/girl-on-girl).
More information on the event and movie can be found at girlongirlmovie.com, yournamehereqtc.org or by e-mailing girlongirlqtc@gmail.com.
Your Name Here} (David Macke, Artistic Director) is a Queer theater company aimed at producing and creating groundbreaking and thought-provoking new works that positively depict the LGBTIQQA community and propel these stories to a larger audience. Our aim is to inspire, empower and celebrate. Our body of work will consist of full productions, a three-tiered reading series, talk backs, as well as a community/educational outreach component called Theater As Advocacy. Past readings and events have featured the talents of Jack Pierson, Sarah Ruhl, Justin Sayre, Randy Harrison, Jodi Savitz, Jennie Livingston, David Anzuelo, Becca Blackwell, Mx. Justin VivIan Bond, Christian Coulson, and Adam Feldman.