The show is currently planning previews from June 5, provided that government social distancing rules are lifted in time.
Producer Cameron Mackintosh has revealed that Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera is currently planning for a June 2021 return to the West End.
The show is currently planning previews from June 5, provided that government social distancing rules are lifted in time. According to Mackintosh the production must play to full capacity in order to run.
Irish actor Killian Donnelly will don the Phantom's iconic mask when the show makes its return to Her Majesty's Theatre. This Friday, the actor will join Lloyd Webber on BBC Strictly's It Takes Two show to perform the iconic anthem 'Music of the Night.'
This summer, Mackintosh confirmed that a "brand new physical production" of the show will run in the West End when it returns.
The producer said in a statement, "When Andrew and Cameron re-launch Phantom in London it will be with a brand new physical production of Maria Bjornson's original design, in a refurbished theatre. LWT have just taken a 50 year lease extension on Her Majesty's and will do everything in their power to re-launch, better than ever, once the work is completed. We wish that we could put a date on it - but at this stage there are just too many variables. In summary, we can't tell you exactly when the Phantom will be back but we can tell you that he will be back."
Check out the trailer below!