The Opposite Gaze, an exhibtiion featuring Rebecca Salter, Hasmig Vartanian and Sati Zech, will be on view today, September 12 - October 19, 2013 with a reception for the artists tonight, September 12, 6-8 p.m. at the Howard Scott Gallery.
When Manet's Olympia stared out implacably from the canvas in 1865, the "male gaze" had finally met its match. Since then, much has changed, but women still have not reached parity in the art world/market. This exhibition serves to put us on notice that, yes, women rule. "The Opposite Gaze" presents images that transcend gender stereotypes and issues, that resonate with their own intrinsic energy, that stand outside the limitations of trend and style.
From Sati Zech's energy-filled collages, poignant and poetic, to Rebecca Salter's deep, absorbing contemplations of line and layering, and Hasmig Vartanian's richly woven, rhythmically-patterned musings, this show allows viewers to look deeply into intimate explorations, free of the snags of cant and jargon. There is a subtle authority here, evidenced by the idiosyncratic markings of artists who have evolved unique, searching, personal relationships with their imagery.
"The Opposite Gaze" directs our gaze away from the vagaries of the art world into a more soulful place of contemplation and timelessness.
For more information, visit