The LoOse CaboOse, Un Vaudeville Spectacle returns to Casa Mezcal tomorrow, Friday, Dec 28th.
Every 4th Friday of the month Ms.Tina Cione and Kyle Petersen present a spectacle with vintage cartoons from Tom Stathes' Cartoons on Film, burlesque, comedic, musical, and sideshow, at Casa Mezcal. Hosted by the Coney island legend Scott Baker.
*Burlesque by GiGi Bon Bon, Dangrr Doll and Ms.Tina Chi-Cione
*Variety by Tony and Kelsey, and Kyle Petersen
*Comedic by Rob Latham
*With our adorable stage kitten, Tawdry Owl
Cartoons at 7:30pm (sharp)
Live Show at 8pm (sharp)