Welcome to THE FRIDAY SIX: Q&As With Your Favorite Broadway Stars. Want to know what hooked them to a career in the theater? Their dream roles? Their Broadway crushes? Read on!
In this first edition, we caught up with SISTER ACT's favorite nun-in-training, Patina Miller!
What is the first Broadway show you ever saw?
What is your most unique pre-show ritual?
My pre-show usually consists of two separate warm ups before half hour. I like to take my time getting prepared so I usually arrive about an hour before, have some ginger tea and begin my prep. After my warm up I listen to music and stretch and by that time it's half hour. I usually don't like being interrupted during my pre-show process.
What is your most memorable "the show must go on" moment?
I took vacation back in London while doing SISTER ACT and I came back and completely forgot the lyrics to “Bless Our Show.” It was so scary and hilarious at the same time. I pretty much made up words for an entire verse because I knew no matter what I had to keep going.
What is the one role you want to play before you die?
I want to play Mahogany when they turn it into a musical. For sure!!
Who is your Broadway crush?
No crushes but I definitely appreciate Harry Connick Jr. Always have!
Where can people stalk you on the web?
Twitter @patinamiller or Facebook fan page.