Welcome to THE FRIDAY SIX: Q&As With Your Favorite Broadway Stars. Want to know what hooked them to a career in the theater? Their dream roles? Their Broadway crushes? Read on!
In this next edition, we caught up with ROCK OF AGES' Dan Domenech, who is filling the shoes of rocker-in-training 'Drew'!
What is the first Broadway show you ever saw?
The Will Rogers Follies.What is your most unique pre-show ritual?
I get hit with an Astro Pop before each show!
What is your most memorable "the show must go on" moment?
I was on tour in RENT, and our Mrs. J was booking it from stage right to stage left to make a quick change and entrance for "Will I", when she fell on the way and broke her foot! There happened to be s female swing watching from the wings, so they speedily put HER in the quick change, just in time for "Will I" and the bag lady solo. It was nuts. She ended up coming back at the end of the tour and came out on stage with her cast on, to sing her "Seasons of Love" solo with us. It was beautiful.
What is the one role you want to play before you die?
Producer of the longest running show on Broadway.
Who is your Broadway crush?
Kate Monster really gets my gears going.
Where can people stalk you on the web (twitter/fb etc.)?
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DanielLDomenech
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dan_domenech
Photo Credit: Peter James Zielinski