Welcome to THE FRIDAY SIX: Q&As with your favorite Broadway stars. Want to know what hooked them to a career in the theater? Their dream roles? Their Broadway crushes? Read on!
In this week's edition, we caught up with James Andrew O'Connor, who is starring as 'Frankie' in Money Grubbin' Whores- currently playing at Theare Row.
What is the first Broadway show you ever saw?
The original Broadway production of Les Miserables. If memory serves me, I was twelve years old.
What is your most unique pre-show ritual?
I tend to be the first person in the theatre after the stage manager. I like to give myself as much time as possible to relax and prepare.
What is your most memorable "the show must go on" moment?
I was in a production of Gilbert & Sullivan's IOLANTHE. Our choreographer, recognizing that the great majority of the male cast had no capacity for dance, had us perform a simple cheerleader esque dance routine. During this routine on opening night, with my hands high above my head, my knickers dropped to my ankles.....
What is the one role you want to play before you die?
I've always hoped that later in my career I might get the chance to play one of Shakespeare's greatest characters, Sir John Falstaff.
Who is your Broadway crush?
Brian Dennehy. Please don't mention this one to my wife...
Where can people stalk you online?
Check me out on Facebook as James Andrew O'Connor, Instagram as @Jamesaoc, and Twitter as @SizableJames. You can also view my credits on IMDB.com & Broadway.com. Thanks for the support!