Welcome to THE FRIDAY SIX: Q&As with your favorite Broadway stars. Want to know what hooked them to a career in the theater? Their dream roles? Their Broadway crushes? Read on!
In this week's edition, we caught up with Jenn Colella, who is starring as 'Anne' in If/Then- currently playing at the Richard Rodgers Theatre.
What is the first Broadway show you ever saw?
The first Broadway show I ever saw was The Phantom of the Opera. I loved it so much. I remember driving around in my green Datsun blaring the cassette tape and feelin' mighty cooool.
What is your most unique pre-show ritual?The only pre-show ritual that I feel strongly about is connecting with each member of the cast before the show begins... These connections include (but are certainly not limited to) a hug, a handshake, a kiss, a high-five or an ass slap, depending upon the company member.
What is your most memorable "the show must go on" moment?During our pre-Broadway run in DC, a huge part of the set failed to come in and we didn't stop the action of the show. Idina had to refer to a "rooftop" that wasn't there and she got so tickled that the rest of us just lost it. It took her about 10 performances after that one to not giggle when she sang "Let's go party on the rooftop."
'Mama Rose'. I... have some time.
Who is your Broadway crush?Duh. Idina Menzel.
Where can people 'stalk' you online?That questions scares me a bit, but you can follow me on Twitter @JennColella