Welcome to THE FRIDAY SIX: Q&As with your favorite Broadway stars. Want to know what hooked them to a career in the theater? Their dream roles? Their Broadway crushes? Read on!
In this week's edition, we caught up with Jason Tam, who is starring as 'David' in If/Then- currently playing at the Richard Rodgers Theatre.
What is the first Broadway show you ever saw?
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. We were in the nosebleeds and I fell asleep during the second act - because I was six, not cause I didn't like it. Even Broadway couldn't keep me up past my bed time!
What is your most unique pre-show ritual?Sometimes my cast mate Tamika will lead us in a round of "Mediocre Rhymes" at places, where we all take turns free style flowing, but we're all super bad at it. The raps that come out of our mouths are truly mediocre at best, and always hilarious.
What is your most memorable "the show must go on" moment?When I was playing 'Gavroche' in Les Miz one of the barricades broke down on stage during Act One, and we had to finish the rest of the show with just one sad, lonely barricade.
'King Lear'. I've got a while, I know.
Who is your Broadway crush?So many! My current crush is Diane Paulus. Such a fan of her story telling and vision.
Where can people 'stalk' you online?
On Twitter: @JasonWTam