If you are in NYC and wondering what to do with yourself tomorrow night...come witness the 'motliest band this side of Broadway' as they unSHEL the SILVERSTEIN in this one of a kind theatrical jamboree of muppet funk and debauchery. One night only!
To purchase tickets, click here.
Formed where the sidewalk ends and before the street begins, The Freakers Ball is the quintessential Shel Silverstein tribute band. Equipped with flight goggles and cowbell, The Freakers ignite classics like "Cover Of The Rolling Stone" and "A Boy Named Sue," as well as lesser-known hits such as "I Got Stoned And I Missed It" and "I Saw Polly In A Porny."
Featuring an ever-evolving motley bunch of characters, The Freakers Ball is riddled with: Eric Anderson, Dan Bogart, Matt Caplan, Asmeret Ghebermichael, Lauren Kennedy, Fred Lassen, David Phelps, Eli Rojas, Marcus Rojas, Jessica Rush, Bryce Ryness, and the like...
Influenced by Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, The Electric Mayhem & The Country Bear Jamboree, The Freakers Ball serves to 'illusinate' that Shel Silverstein was much more than a writer and illustrator of incredible children's books. He also wrote some kickass songs for adults filled with lullabies, legends, and lies.
For more information, visit their website at www.thefreakers.com.