Alexandra Robbins, the award-winning author of The Geeks Shall Inherit The Earth, will host a live discussion, in person and online with 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students from New York City and across the country on the subject of tolerance featuring The Addams Family cast members Jackie Hoffman (Grandma), Zachary James (Lurch), Brad Oscar (Fester) and Adam Riegler (Pugsley).
The live broadcast into schools will follow a brief overview of STEM to STEAM, a campaign to integrate arts content into the new National Common Core Curriculum Standards by Stanley Silverman, Director, Technology Based Learning Systems, New York Institute of Technology (NYIT). In addition, Dr. Joel Haber, President and Co-Founder, RESPECT U, will discuss the issue of bullying in schools today and how the arts has a role to play in educating students about complex subjects.
This 25-minute direct-to-the-classroom broadcast will connect Broadway to middle school classes in New York City and Rochester, Baltimore, Chicago, Orlando, New Jersey and elsewhere around the country through state-of-the-art-technologies for an informative and engaging lesson on the importance of being tolerant to other people.
The Addams Family cast will discuss their on-stage characters and answer questions from the students. The session will culminate with the stars leading students in the “No Snap Judgments” Pledge—promising to “be a respectful and positive person…celebrate the differences among my friends, family, teachers and peers…be more accepting of each person…and make no snap judgments about them. (snap, snap)." Visit
The Addams Family: No Snap Judgments initiative is designed to combat bullying in schools, as well as deliver innovative theatre arts lessons and class activities to schools across the country. The Addams Family is currently playing on Broadway at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre and just launched a 40-city national tour.