Tarot Show is a blend of physical theatre, chance operation, audience participation, multimedia and live music. A reading of seven tarot cards, selected at the beginning of each performance, dictate both the story arch and the characters that appear throughout the evening. Working like a Rubik's cube of twenty-two distinct vignettes, the trump cards from the tarot deck: The Magician, The Fool, The High Priestess come to life in new permutations every night. The resulting 'choose-your-own-adventure' performance combines structure and chaos, synchronicity and entropy.
"I thought it would be interesting to work with prefabricated yet mystical archetypes," says Fisch. "By randomly selecting content that is inherently rich in subconscious meaning, I'm hoping to harness, in an artistic format, the concept of serendipity." Ultimately, Tarot Show is a tug of war between faith and science told with live accompaniment by different bands such as Brooklyn Raga Massive and Bella's Bartok every night. "With all postulating aside," says Fisch, "we are designing the show to be consistently entertaining despite the inherent risks of format." Tarot Show features Salvatore Geloso, Wes Elliot, Rob Allen, Marlon Battad, Pooja Prema, Caroline Fairweather, Soto Silva, Lia Russel-Self, and Fern Katz; lighting design by Tim Cryan; and music by such bands as Lady Moon and the Eclipse, Brooklyn Raga Massive, Bella's Bartok, and The Bailsmen. Performance Schedule:Videos