Sweet Pie, aka Paul Winer, dubbed the Baron of Bare-Assed Boogie Woogie and Blues, ends a 30-year hiatus at Joe's Pub at the Public Theater tonight, September 6th, 2014 at 9:30pm.
The performer made a name for himself in the 60s, 70s, and 80s touring the U.S. and performing for more than 1.5 million people at ionic venues such as CBGB and The Gaslight Au Go Go to name a few. Joining Pie for this performance will be longtime harmonica player Will Pirone.
Rolling Stone Magazine says, "Pie plays a mean boogie woogie piano," while Variety notes that his act of improv storytelling, combined with risqué and hilarious songs "has to be seen to be believed," mostly because this piano man dons little more than a top hat and a loin cloth. Think of Sweet Pie as a naked version of Rodriguez, the protagonist of the Oscar-winning documentary Searching For Sugarman.
Sweet Pie was arrested and brought to court 68 times for performing the way he does. He won every case on 1st amendment grounds. In his most high profile case in 1977, the ACLU came to his defense in Vermont federal court.
Now at 70 years of age, Sweet Pie resides in Quartzsite, Arizona, an RV pop-up town where he owns an operates Reader's Oasis Books. He is known there as "The Naked Bookseller."
This performance is produced by Pierce Cravens and Metropolitan Entertainment.
The show is set for Saturday, September 6th at 9:30 PM at Joe's Pub at The Public, located at 425 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10003. Tickets: $20. Click to Learn More or Reserve Tickets.