City Parks Foundation presents Three - an adventurous mash-up of the classic fairy tales "The Three Little Pigs," "Three Billy Goats Gruff," and "The Three Bears," at the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre in Central Park. In this story, the central character, the "Big Bad Wolf," is given a mission by the "Three Blind Fairy God Mice" to travel into these stories to go from the big bad villain to the "Big Good Wolf." In his first go-around at redemption the Big Bad Wolf fails miserably, however, with guidance from the Fairy God Mice and the audience, the Big Bad Wolf finally redeems himself and is granted permission to rejoin these beloved fables as the Big Good Wolf. Written by Jeff Borkin, an Emmy-award winning children's TV writer, the production features original music and marionettes handcrafted by master puppet maker Addis Williams, directed by Bruce Cannon.
The Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre was imported to the U.S. in 1876 as Sweden's exhibit for the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. The enchanting Swedish architecture and craftsmanship of the structure, suggestive of a model schoolhouse, caught the eye of Fredrick Law Olmsted, who brought it to Central Park in 1877.
Beginning in 1947, the Cottage served as the home of a marionette theater troupe that traveled across the city performing on playgrounds and school auditoriums. Under the direction of City Parks Foundation, citywide puppet shows in parks continue to this day through the CityParks PuppetMobile.In 1973 a permanent theater was constructed inside the Cottage, precisely designed for marionette performances. Since then, hundreds of thousands of children and families from around the world have enjoyed its originAl Marionette productions. The Theatre's productions are based on classic fairy tales and offer an enriching theatrical and educational experience for children ages 3-9. The Cottage is a member of the Historic House Trust of New York City.
Show times for Three running January 12, 2010 - June 25, 2010 are Tuesdays through Fridays: 10:30am and 12:00pm, with an additional performance at 2:30pm each Wednesday; and Saturdays and Sundays at 1:00pm.
Reservations are required. Tickets are $5/children and $8/adults. $5 group rates are available for schools and nonprofit organizations. For reservations, group rates, and information on birthday parties, please call (212) 988-9093. Subject to change, please call ahead.
The Swedish Cottage is located in Central Park at 79th Street and the West Drive, just south of the Delacorte Theater. For more information, please visit