Interviewed on the BBC Breakfast show, live from Hollywood, where composer Andrew Lloyd Webber is preparing for Sunday night's Oscars, on which he'll accompany Beyonce Knowles on his Oscar-nominated "Learn to Be Lonely" from the Phantom film, he answered some questions about Sunset Boulevard.
Asked what his next film was going to be, and when, he answered that it was Sunset Boulevard and that it would "probably be announced in the next three months." When asked about who would star in it, and if Glenn Close would reprise her role, he said "I don't think that it would be rocket science to guess who'll probably play Norma." Still no official word, but more confirmation of his most recent answers to those questions which he gave on February 18th on iTV's "This Morning" with guest hosts Gloria Hunniford and co-host
Michael Ball. Discussing movie musicals, Andrew Lloyd Webber was asked about filming Sunset Boulevard. His response? "There is a plan to do that." When
the obvious question of casting came up, Webber avoided answering, but
when Glenn Close's name was mentioned by Gloria Hunniford, he did say
"I don't know how you could top Glenn, she was fantastic."
Talking to the Phillipine's on February 6th, while promoting the Phantom of the Opera film
in which Webber said "Paramount owns the fundamental rights to "Sunset
Boulevard" because it was originally a Billy Wilder movie. I spoke to
Sherry (Lansing, Paramount head) this morning and it's very clear that
they are interested."In interviews earlier in February with
Glenn Close, she confirms that she has spoken to Andrew Lloyd Webber
about bringing the show to the big screen and says that she "very much
wants the gig." No official confirmation or word on anyone actually being signed for the film, but if they stick to the probable three month timetable to announce plans, it won't be long.